I know, I know. I have a lot of nerve, right? Not updating PPT in a month of Sundays. (Even my mother started asking when I was posting again.) I'll spare you guys the lame excuses but trust that I am going through all sorts of life changes professionally and emotionally. And some of those changes will become clear to you by the end of this post.
I have just given birth! And her name is BLACK BRIDAL BLISS. She's brand, spankin' new and you can check her out here.
While Black Bridal Bliss has been a dream of mine for the past couple of years, I decided I needed to really make her happen after getting bitten by the layoff bug last fall. I had been putting her off and putting her off, (Remember this post?) working on someone else's dream instead of tackling my own. (And remember this post?) God sure knows how to get your attention, huh?
So, let me tell you a few things about my new little one. First and foremost, although I just popped her out I sense that she's going to grow fast. She's fiesty I tell 'ya. There's a lot she wants to share and she finally has the proper platform to do so. She'll be updated every weekday and every Tuesday she'll highlight the nuptials of "real" people. There will also be posts on style, honeymoons, planning, budgeting ideas, expert tips and tricks and more! This baby is something else, y'all.
Be sure to have a look at Black Bridal Bliss and comment here or there to tell me what you think. (Good, bad or indifferent -- this mama can take it.)
Thanks for rocking with me through the "down" time. I'm back y'all. And Bsqaured is now double trouble. Enjoy the bliss!