Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The World Is Yours

Over the Christmas holidays while in North Kack-ka-lac visiting the fam, my mother and I spent a day out and about window shopping. Nothing really new, just browsing in run of the mill chain retailers the way we’ve been doing since I can remember. As much as I had enjoyed our little day of bonding I was ready to return to her house and my home away from home.

She was not.

C’mon, let’s go into this one last store she says. "You’ll like it." So off I (grudgingly) go because frankly, I don’t have a choice. She was driving and was also my ride. It is the south after all, I couldn’t hop on the subway or jump in a cab. Before we walk into the store my mother tells me about all the fabulous finds she has scored here and I am not moved. I had a moment of jaded-ness (Is that a word?) and thought, I live in NYC, surely this blah looking store in a strip mall is not going to impress me.

Ten minutes later, I’m impressed. When we enter World Market, I am enamored by the offerings. There is furniture, food, books, home accessories, even jewelry. Honestly, I found most of the jewelry to be kind of cheesy but the food and book selection was bananas! I spotted obscure chocolate that I remembered seeing in London and I think they even had plum wine. I picked up a bag of pumpkin and orange scone mix (all I had to do was add water and throw into the oven) and I thoroughly impressed folks later on with my baking skills because of it.

I also scored this book on Cuba that not only adds a little diversity to my library but will hopefully provide some decorating inspiration one day. I had a hard time deciding what book to get actually - that’s how many cool choices there were. I’m not suggesting anyone run out and decorate their entire digs with a bunch of stuff from World Market but for the occasional whimsical mirror, rug or set of glasses? Perfecto!

Of course I could have purchased these things in NYC but (duh?), that’s the beauty of this place. It gives people the opportunity to nag international finds at a brick and mortar store in places like South Dakota and Kentucky. The retailer appears to be expanding as well (presently there aren’t any stores in the Northeast). And while it is cool that at home I can get authentic Indian pillows in Jackson Heights, Queens and the real deal Asian chopsticks at Pearl River Mart in Soho, it’s nice to know that all of this stuff is available at an affordable price under one roof in the 'burbs as well. There is a store locator and e-commerce available on the site too.

After all these years I should know better than to doubt her, right? Thanks Mom, ;-).


  1. I love World Market, it's the one thing I miss about living in Houston.

  2. Oh, Ms. B-times-2, don't sleep on World Market. I make it a point to go in there each time I drive by... and I even have a pair of their earrings!

  3. Well Regina, if YOU'RE co-signing on the earrings @ World Market, I'll def. have to give them another look. ;-)
