Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spreading the (magazine) Love

Gotta get ready for church! But before I go, I must post on two mags that have me downright excited at the moment.

The May 23rd issue of Entertainment Weekly

Everything about the show and upcoming flick are disected in this issue. EVERYTHING. It is bananas. If you are a SATC fan like I think you are (lol) then just go pick it up like yesterday. It will become a keepsake of mine for sure.

The Travel Summer 2008 T Mag

I get The New York Times delivered on weekends so I received my copy yesterday. Isn't this cover gorgeous? One can't really go wrong with model Yasmin Warsame though. The fashion feature shot in Namibia is simply breathtaking. There is also a fun little Q&A with one of my favorite designers, Paul Smith. And I'm itching to read the article on Indian fashion by Suzy Menkes. She's such a kidder that Suzy.

Enjoy and happy reading!

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