Friday, May 2, 2008

Mi Gusto Custo!

I am supposed to be packing right now - EEK!

Yesterday my co-coworker who I think is all of 23 years old informed me of the Manolo Blahnik sample sale in midtown (NYC). I politely thanked her for the info (she is a sweetie) and then told her I wouldn't be going. She then looked at me as though I had three heads. After I chuckled to myself, I informed her that I had been to one before a few years back and that I could count on one hand the number of times I have worn the shoes. She then looked at me as if I had four heads. Feeling really old, I just responded with: 'I don't feel any different when I wear them'.

After I encouraged her to go, it is an experience after all, I began to think about the shopping experiences I have had that I wouldn't mind repeating. I instantly thought about my visit to the Custo Barcelona boutique in '03. My road dog Tress and I went trekking through Spain and when we arrived in Barcelona, I just had to make a stop there. It was a quaint shop with fierce window displays. (As soon as I find those pics, I'll post them too.) Eventually we both purchased one item we adored but we tried on lots. LOTS. I'm sure the salesgirl was sick of us. (Our Spanish is awful as well.) My find was the skirt in the pics above. I don't remember what the damage was but it was certainly worth every penny to me. I'll be rocking that skirt again this summer for sure - 5 years and counting! Everytime I wear the skirt, I am reminded of my fabulous trip.

A couple months back, another co-worker was attending a big awards show in LA and I put her on to Custo as she searched for the perfect frock to wear. She didn't want to do the standard LBD. Custo isn't really a frock kinda designer but I knew that she would appreciate his daring use of color and texture. (My skirt has two layers of fabric!) Now she too is a fan.

What has been your most memorable shopping experience and why?

P.S.- Don't you love that the girl on my skirt has an afro?

P. P. S. - I still love a good sample sale every now and 'gin but mama has more responsibilities than she did at 23.

1 comment:

  1. i have two carrie bradshaw-esque shopping moments. once at top shop on oxford high street. i literally snatched my satin cheetah print baby doll dress with ruffled sleeves out of a brit's hand and second, shopping at my first designer sample sale: tracey reese. i'm so hooked on her clothes i try to buy at least one item of hers a year. my fave item is a pair of gold flecked tuxedo pants. i don't wear them enough but when i do, i feel like a queen
