Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm in a CAPRI state of mind...

Happy Labor Day Folks!

I'm hanging out at Mr. TK's office today and while he finishes up some work I thought I'd use this rare free time to catch up on my PPT blogging. Labor Day is usually a time to reflect on the summer just passed (although technically we still have 2-3 weeks of summer left) and this year is no excepttion for me. While I am blessed and thankful for the vacations I have been able to take this year, most recently to Cabo, Mexico; (YEAH!) I still have Capri, Italy ranking pretty high on my life's bucket list.

Project CAPRI in 2010 is in full effect!

My fasination with Capri began back in 2000 when I went to Rome to visit my amiga Akhira who was in Italy for a study abroad program. She and her suitemates ventured to Capri for a weekend and every single one of her pictures looked like a postcard. Every. Single. One. I vowed then to witness it all with my own two eyes one day. Then, thanks to my girls G.B. and A.L. who yesterday returned from a super-duper two-week stay in Monaco (they also hit up Canne and...well, just know they had a FLY trip!) I am even more determined that I will make it to Capri (God-willing) in 2010. In addition to their fantastic voyage, reading this post over at All About the Pretty has sealed the deal for me about this Mediterranean excursion.

As I plan my trip to the Almafi coast and the surrounding areas, I will refer to this book, In the Spirit of Capri, to help me keep this state of mind going. I have already taken a small step in getting a little bit closer to this dream vacay. I decided not to go to the last day of the Barneys Warehouse Sale today (this was a huge decision for me, folks) in an effort to save some money for my bigger travel goals next year. Aren't you proud of me? Well, I'll be sure to keep ya posted...

What travels are presently on your life's bucket list and why?


  1. Well the first thing on my to-do list is get a passport. I really want to spend time in London. My BFFs family is from there and they always have great stories. Ghana is my other. The castles, the history... I'll let you know how that works out :)

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