Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Big Easy Fun: Chillaxin' on Magazine Street

Happy hump day! This past weekend I had a heavenly visit in The Crescent City aka New Orleans. I traveled down to The Big Easy for a good friend's wedding and ended up having the time of my life. She and her husband are a couple that make me love love even more, I ate like a pig, listened to great live jazz and discovered a new shopping haunt that I'm excited to tell you guys about.

While I had read about the trendy shops and hip restaurants on Magazine Street in mags like Lucky before, this visit was my first time in the area. After a $15 cab ride from the French Quarter, my girls and I ooohed and awwwed in boutiques up and down Magazine Street. A vintage lovers dream, the strip of about 7-10 blocks was a nice retreat from the often loud and crowded Bourbon and Frenchman Streets. I scored a sweet little vintage purse from Funky Monkey while my girl Big C snagged a beautiful Petro Zilla sundress from the retail goldmine. I'm also totally siked about my long Indian inspired drop earrings for a mere $12 from the nearby Ah-Ha boutique that I ended up wearing to my friend's wedding.

Me (in the purple dress) and my girl Shay during the wedding reception. I'm wearing my new earrings in this pic. ;-)

A true highlight of our excursion was the dip into Sucre for a sweet treat. Everything from gelato to marshmellows are for sale in this adorable space. Apparently Oprah digs their delectable desserts as well.

Sucre on Magazine Street in The Big Easy is a must-visit. I can still taste my blueberry treat -- part custard, part tart (called a Bluet). Mmm, mm good!

If you happen to make your way down to Nawlins in the near future, be sure to do something off the beaten path as well. Take a walking tour of the historical Treme neighborhood and learn about the free Blacks who were doin' it big in the South long before slavery was officially abolished in the U.S. And then get yourself a plate of catfish and grits from Lil' Dizzy's. Tell Ms. Lucy I said "Hey!"


  1. This sounds like a beautiful place. I am definitely adding this to my to-do list!

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