Monday, February 23, 2009

Tied Up: Krimson by Kwame

Why do Mondays always pop up so fast? Geesh. Recently, I went to a shindig for a new menswear designer here in NYC. I plan to post on the designer (he's SO talented) later but in the meantime, I needed to dish about a tie line I've been sleeping on and was reintroduced to at said shindig.

Between chatting folks up at this fashion fete, I met a charming young man named Kwame Jackson. I admitedly have delayed reactions so I didn't realize he was from The Apprentice until after I left the event and my coworker told me. (I only watched that show a couple of times with Mr. TK.) However, Kwame and his friend were quite the dapper duo so when he told me that he had a tie collection and was actually wearing one of them, my interest was peaked. His colorful creations are sold at select Macys and Belks stores and retail for about $75. Go to the site and check out the complete assortment of Krimson ties and learn more about the line. Primarily made of silk, I really am feeling the polka dot ones. These ties are true conversation starters (the colors and the prints pop and will surely add dazzle to any stuffy suit) and are timeless. Unlike a lot of other items from "celebrity" lines, these ties don't have an expiration date and don't scream look at me. They're for grown-ups. We like that, no? In hindsight, I had read about these ties before but something about seeing them in person on the creator of the line made me excited about them again. How's that for good marketing? I'll have to snag one for Mr. TK soon.

R to L: Kwame with his friend and frat brother Dave. They're Kappas. (Don't they look like Kappas?)


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