Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My New Crush

STOP staring at MY crush. Oh nevermind, I know you can't help it. Aren't these Liberty-print Nikes just SICK??!! It's no secret how fond I am of Liberty (I gotta get back to London this year.) and I'm really feeling this juxtaposition of ultra-feminine and sporty. The genius collabo officially debuted last year but I didn't jump at them then. However, the folks at Daily Candy put me on to the fine pair above this morning. These lovely kicks are available exclusively at Opening Ceremony who is celebrating the grand opening of e-commerce on the site today.

The damage is $100 which isn't too bad considering I would probably wear them for years. (I'm still rocking a pair of blue and brown Le Coq Sportif kicks I copped in Paris six years ago!) But there are things I need a heck of a lot more right now than these sneakers. Like a new lamp and bookshelf for the cribo. But the beautiful thing about crushes is that there is no pressure to act immediately. One can just admire from afar...

I'll be sure to let you know if anything serious like a purchase comes from this crush.

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