Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Finally Got Minxed! (And My Nails Will Never Be The Same.)

Although it now seems like it was decades ago, I recently traveled to Washington D.C. for Inuaguration Weekend. I had to return to work Tuesday so I missed the swearing in but I was determined to take in at least some of the energy in the District for my new prez. Plus, I got to spend lots of QT with Mr. TK. And don't go feeling sorry for me, lots of folks don't have jobs now that need them so I tried not to complain about having to return a day early. I'm so glad I followed my gut and went for the abbreviated trip. (More on that in the next post.)

Anyhoo, in preparation for my getaway, I got MINXED! (see pics below) The fabulous manicurist to the stars, Lisa Logan, wanted to hook me up for the festivities and who am I to turn down such a sweet perk? Lisa figured giving me the MINX treatment was a good way to show off her work to some new potential clients. And boy, she was so right! I received compliments from a jillion people on the Gold Lightening MINX she applied to my nails. (They sorta looked like shimmering coins on my fingertips and became a real conversation starter.) But when folks saw Obama's face on my thumb, they darn near lost it! Different races, ages, income levels - you name it, everyone had something (good) to say. In hindsight, I think folks in D.C. were high on Obama love that weekend. LOL The best compliment probably came from Jesse Jackson, Jr. who I bumped into at a brunch honoring Hill Harper, Kerry Washington and others for their contributions to Obama's campaign. JJ Jr. literally stopped me and gave a thumbs up after he peeped my tricked out Obama nail. Who woulda thunk it?

I have to admit that my MINX were very delicate; I wished they lasted a bit longer. But I kept them for a week and that is pretty standard for a basic manicure. I would certainly get them (and pay) again for a special occasion. However I don't think they are too practical for a working gal like me who washes dishes regularly. And I highly doubt I'll get someone's face on my nails again but it was a fun thing to do once, especially with the President.

Are you based in the NYC area and interested in getting the MINX treatment for yourself? Leave me a comment and I'll put you in touch with Lisa.


  1. i got mines too! they are supercool!

    if ur in los angeles, the minx salon is on Santa monica blvd x laurel ave. !!!!!!!!!! btw fairfax n cresent heigts

  2. Your nails look gorgeous! I'm going to DR for a wedding this summer. I'd love to get Lisa's contact info.

  3. Thanks Lady P! Lisa can be reahed at: She's a sweetie and will ceertainly hook you up for the DR weding. Be sure to tell her Bsquared at People, Places, things sent ya. ;-)

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