Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Search For The Perfect Freakum Dress

"Every woman has one."

Beyonce proudly made this declaration on the catchy cut Freakum Dress from her multi-platinum album B’Day. I’ll admit Freakum Dress isn’t my favorite song on the album. (Resentment is and Jazmine Sullivan does such a better job with that track.) But back to this dress that every woman has - I don’t. I do not own a freakum dress and I think I want one. Sure I, like most women, have a sexy number or two that I reserve for special occasions. But a straight up, shut your mouth, "Dang Gina!" freakum dress? Not a one in the closet. And I don’t necessarily want one for the reasons Bouncy lists in her anthem either. Seriously, what woman doesn’t desire a fierce go-to dress to wear when she just wants to shut it DOWN? I pondered over this for quite a while last year and even pitched this idea to one of my favorite fashion mags. (The editor entertained my pitch but ultimately decided my story wasn’t the right fit for said mag.) One of the things I love about having my own blog is that I get to write about what I what, when I want, how I want. Sooooooo…

I am officially searching for the perfect Freakum Dress! I already know it won’t be easy to find so I’m going to document my search here on PPT. First off, I’m thrifty - I don’t like paying retail for much of anything especially clothes. I refuse to spend more than two hundred bucks on this dress. Second, although I am fairly slim, I’m hippy. Finding a dress that properly fits my frame won’t be a breeze. Lastly, although this dress obviously needs to be sexy, it can’t be slutty. I don’t do slutty.

Amerie working a mustard Herve Leger number. These dresses certainly fit the uber-sexy yet classy bill but are way out of my price range... (Plus, everybody has one now. That isn't my speed.)

And I’m giving myself until the end of September to find it. I would have made it sooner but I’m going on a big vacay in September. So the search is on. Where should I start? I think I’ll check out the Barneys Warehouse Sale just for kicks. But I’ll go the last day for the best deals and less crowds. I also want to check out Bebe. Yes, Bebe does carry quality clothes for folks over 25 but you have to use a discerning eye to find them. And there are a bunch of cute boutiques and mom and pop shops around the city that I will check out for this self-imposed challenge as well.

Should you decide to accept this assignment for yourself, leave me a comment and tell me how you are progressing. In the meantime, I’ll post periodic updates on my search. I’m very excited about this y’all!


  1. you did NOT work at Green Acres?! I love it!

    yeah, me and Groggy used to go to the movies and hit up Red Lobster (and KILL those damn cheese biscuits). I claim Brooklyn (and halfway claim LA), but I'm really a Queens girl. grew up on 140th Street, across from Ajax Park!

  2. Does this also apply to married women? I don't think I have a freakum dress in my closet--but maybe I SHOULD?!:)

  3. Foodlover, married women should absolutely own one (at least) of these! ;-)

  4. i'm new to the blog... like it, by the way. i'm just interested. did you find the dress yet? if so, where?

    did you try SoHo? i found this unexpected little number in Necessary Clothing. i was a little turned off by the store at first because i HATE cheap clothes but after looking through the inventory, i found exactly what i needed.

  5. Welcome j.a.c.! I appreciate the comment.

    No, I haven't found the dress yet but my search has officially begun and I will check out Necessary Objects per your suggestion. Love SoHo so I'll certainly look for the perfect F.D. in that area as well.

    Stay tuned!

  6. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS SysBro)
