Friday, June 13, 2008


(From left to right: Constance White, Kevan Hall, Ruby Dee and Andre Leon Talley at Melba's on June 9th.)

I caught up on my WWD reading last night and was so pleased to learn that Mrs. Ruby Dee was feted by the cream of the crop in fashion publishing on Monday. Andre Leon Talley, Constance White (she's one of my mentors), Kevan Hall (Remember he designed this dress for Kimora? Well, he also designed Dee's Oscar gown.), Gayle King, Robin Givhan and Harriette Cole were all in attendance. The event took place in Ruby's old stomping grounds of Harlem at the soul-food restaurant Melba's. (The mixed drinks at Melba's are delish!)

It seems like it was a first class event for a well-deserved recipent. Constance presented Ruby with several items from eBay where she is the creative director, among them an original 1950's playbill from A Raisin in the Sun. The trailblazing actress was hooked up with a pair of $10,000 Mikimoto earrings as well.

I was blessed to meet Ruby and Ossie Davis (RIP) in 2004 and she was just as graceful as you might expect. But she was also kind of sassy which I respected as well. Although I wasn't in their presence long, their love for each other was palpable. Ruby is much more than a talented actress and the power couple stood up for what they believed in together. I've met many celebs in my day but that encounter is by far one of my most cherished.

Her dinner with the stylish set apparently left quite an impression on Ruby. She had this to say about the evening:

"This is the first time I've ever had such an occassion where people like you have come to honor me. It's like the great hand of God is reaching through the sky and patting me on the back and saying, 'Atta girl!'"

Spoken like a true living legend.


  1. She is a legend. People misuse that word all the time but in this case it fits.

    I went to an awards ceremony Essence had in Hollywood earlier this year during the Oscars.

    The clip they showed brought tears to my eyes.

  2. RIP Ms. Ruby Dee. Truly a unique powerhouse established in her own right. What a gift she shared with the world! May her timeless talent always shine.
