Saturday, June 7, 2008

Natural News


I'm excited because it is a gorgeous day here in NYC and I have picnics and bbqs to catch up with old friends at later today. Oh and I love to eat. So, life is good. And it just got a little better for you if you're a natural haired woman. I realize that not all PPT readers are Black or Latina, 'Hi Sarah!' so maybe I should be more specific. If your hair is kinky, curly, wavy, locked, braided or if you're growing out a relaxer, you're going to appreciate THE COIL REVIEW in a big way. The recently launched site offers a wealth of information to those with "natural coily and textured curly" strands. Although I just relaxed my hair after being natural for eight years (yeah, it was numbing for me too) I still greatly appreciate that this site was created and provides a such comprehensive resource on the web for those who choose not to chemically straighten their hair. While I was slightly disappointed that some of the celeb photos are outdated (Goapele no longer has locks), I found the state-by-state Salon Directory to be quite up to date and certainly needed since every other week someone asks me for a natural hair stylist recco. Also, the Homeade Mixes and Natural Tips sections are quite informative.

Vintage pic of L Boogie sporting a short natural style (I've always loved this picture of her...)

The Coil Review had a launch party in NYC this past Wednesday that I missed because of a work commitment but it appears as though there are more special events in the near furture so be sure to check those out as well.

Now I'm off to play spades, eat corn on the cob and laugh until my stomach hurts.

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