Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Do The Hustle

Two super cute fashion events took place here in NYC recently that I’m quite happy to blog about. Unfortunately, I didn’t attend either of them. I was out of town for one and the other was a wrap before I arrived (I did make an attempt to go though!). What is most impressive about both of these events is that they were produced by two young women of color who have a traditional full-time gig but still manage to maintain their own budding side hustles. And they’re doing things that truly make them happy. Now who can hate on that?

On Wednesday, April 16th, blogger Claire Sulmers hosted a fashionable meet-n-greet at one of my favorite Soho stores, te casan. Claire holds down The Fashion Bomb blog and apparently brought out the grown and sexy last week for her shindig. te casan hosts these little functions periodically and they always seem to be a hit (past hostesses include Tia Williams and Michaela Angela Davis). If you haven’t been to the boutique yet, get there ASAP. The price points are on the high end but most of the footwear is exclusive to the store and is crafted with the finest materials. Plus, there’s a sick spiral staircase in the middle of the store and super-cute café/bar on the lower level.

Saturday, April 19th was the date of yet another fashionable soiree here in the Big Apple -- Harlem to be exact. Miss Queen To Be hosted her first (but I’m sure not her last) vintage trunk show. Hailing from the A-T-L, she scours her home state for second hand finds to sell at modest prices to other vintage mavens like herself. And get this, she was even serving hot tea to attendees as well! Yeah I'm a native New Yorker but my southern roots just love that kind of stuff… If you too missed Saturday’s trunk show don’t fret. She sells her finds year-round through a specially dedicated blog and might even take special requests if you tell her I sent ya.

Gotta run. Need to get my own hustle on!



  1. I KNOWWW!!!

    How freaking sweet!!

    Im sooo slow . . .I didnt think you were talking about me at all:)

    Love you BB!!

    And saved some cute finds for you!!
