Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back on the (Green) Ranch

Everyone is talking about going green these days. I’m getting in on the fun a little bit myself - recycling more at work and at home and purchasing the occasional eco-friendly cleaning or beauty product. But, I believe in moderation. Radical anything is not my style. So it is sorta a big deal that I was muy impressed with my stay at Rancho la Puerta.

I celebrated my birthday in 2007 at this under-the-radar fitness ranch and spa located in Tecate, Mexico (about an hour from San Diego). Now I’ll admit that I had a bit of a "hook-up". Rancho la Puerta is honestly not the type of spot I would have sought out on my own. But boy am I glad I went. First of all, this 3000 acre resort was doing green long before it was the "in" thing to do. Opened in 1940, only organic food (no meat whatsoever) is served at the Ranch and almost all of the fruits and veggies are grown on the premises. There isn’t a Mickey D’s or even a vending machine anywhere in sight. There are no televisions or radios in the guest cabins. A computer lab, with Internet access is however - as well as - an adjoining library. No smoking or drinking is permitted on the premises. But we were served wine on the last night of our stay. Guests and staff walk (or jog/run) everywhere - there are no vehicles used on site. And I am convinced I heard coyotes during my first night although my roomie and good friend Tress thought I was trippin’.

Sound boring? Honestly, I was kinda afraid it might be. But this trip was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up so I went. Well, I had a ball. Seriously, I was so out of my comfort zone but it felt so good. Some of the food was on the bland side for my taste at first but I was cool by day 3. I never liked oatmeal but after eating it at the Ranch with brown sugar I’m a changed woman. The classes offered at the Ranch are quite vast making it virtually impossible to get bored. I discovered Nia, sweated out my ‘do in an African dance class, took a morning mountain hike to the Ranch farm and even braved a strip tease class. Confession: the suburban, middle-aged, soccer moms were not easy to keep up with in that strip tease classI also enjoyed a therapeutic drawing class and sketched some of the beautiful trees surrounding my cabin. I actually like to draw but rarely make the time to do it at home. Oh, and the spa treatments were superb. I was rubbed, wrapped, and buffed to perfection every day of my week-long stay. My fave treatment was the energy balancing massage. Last but certainly not least, I made lifelong friends at the Ranch. Being there without the vices of everyday life (my Treo was off for most of the trip) allowed me to bond with some pretty cool folks.

Just swingin' it at the Ranch.

So my first, and hopefully not my last, green vacation was a blast. There was that night we managed to break out and explore Tejuana. Hey, I said I believe in moderation!


  1. hey B,
    the ranch was an amazing experience. thank you for letting me come along for the ride. i expected treatments everyday. we got that and more. It's great to try new things. This was peaceful retreat that came at the best time. I'm also really happy to have met tj- someone who also needed a respite. Thank the Lawd for peanut butter! B- i dont think there were coyotes?!?! how else would i have seen the field bunnies every morning?

  2. they were coyotes!!! the bunnies knew where to run for cover by dusk, lol.

  3. Something to definitely think about for my next birthday. I want the vacation experience but I also what to expand my mind and get my body in shape. Why not do it all at the same time? As long as I only hear coyotes and other wild things but not see them. : )
