Sunday, March 30, 2008


So I made the trek out to gentrifying Williamsburg, Brooklyn yesterday. No, it wasn’t to gawk at the numerous condos being built in abandoned factories and warehouses so I can later ask, "They want HOW much for that loft?" It was to sell clothes!

That’s right folks. I chose to spend the day in Williamsburg because I finally released myself of shirts, jackets, sweaters, jeans, belts, purses, dresses, skirts and even coats that I can either no longer fit or can’t imagine wearing ever again. I decided to do my purging at Beacon’s Closet. I’ve done this before at their much smaller Park Slope location. Well, for the six, that’s right SIX, overflowing bags of stuff I brought in, I got exactly $83.37. I was expecting at least a buck and change. But, Beacon apparently didn’t think half of my stuff (the balance ended up going to charity) was worthy of his closet. My chocolate brown suede cigarette pants? No go. The tweed, flat-front, wide-leg Sharagano slacks with metallic detail - no deal either. I now realize that it is better to sell items closer to the season folks are actually buying for. Since it is spring, the folks at Beacon were more interested in my spring/summer things.

My Purge Pile

One of the best things about the entire experience was getting to go shopping in my own apartment! I’m embarrassed to admit that I recovered items I truly had forgotten about. A Lafayette 148 (Edward Wilkerson is such a talented designer) black leather and knit pencil skirt that fits me like a glove. In fact, I'm wearing it to church today. A couple pairs of jeans that I plan to cut off and rock as knee length shorts this summer. A one shoulder sweater with red embroidery along the sleeve. Oh, oh, oh and a super cute indigo denim peacoat that is perfect for this time of year!

In the midst of compiling items for yesterday’s excursion, I remembered how much of a pack rat I truly am. I found clothes from my college days. See, my mother raised me to take good care of my clothes, as well as, how to identify well-made garment. (Some people attribute the latter to FIT but that credit all goes to mom.) Therefore, unless I can’t fit something anymore, it tends to stay in one of my closets. For the record, the only reason I was getting rid of the aforementioned pants is because they are now too tight. Bummer. Guess I was thinking I would squeeze into them again but that isn’t happening.

So, I’m slowly learning to let go -- in all areas of my life. I have to start doing that a little more often to make room for new and improved things. Like those H&M jeans to your right. LOL! Seriously, this experience has shown me just how much I need to continue to scale down. I’d rather have a wardrobe of 25 items I adore than one with 75 items I only sorta, kinda like. Ya dig?

Ahhh, I’m feeling very grown-up right now… Next project(s): my paperwork, cds, magazines and knick-knacks.

1 comment:

  1. bsquared, doesn't it feel good to be free of stuff? i wish i had enough quality clothes to sell but all i wear is the gap. i should own stock in that company, from jeans to tops to bags, i'm a gap girl. and it's okay... right? :O) good luck with more purging. BTW, take any old books to strands in union square to sell. i got about $50 from books i've never opened and those i don't plan too. the ones that didn't sell, the clerk was kind enough to take them off my hands too.
