Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Late, but not Lost

My fashion week re-cap is coming. I promise. It will post this evening. Now you can breathe again. But in the meantime I had to share this:

Apparently Gucci is on their New York Ish too. Great minds must think alike. HA! I thought this campaign was just as cute as a button, especially with Gucci re-opening their Fifth Avenue store last week and donating proceeds from the sales of this collection to the Playground Partners Central Park Improvement Program. Seems to me they were showing the Big Apple some love.

Well, I guess love ain't got ish to do with it because New York City's Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) is challenging Gucci's use of the slogan on its new limited edition bags. Apparently Gucci didn't get proper premission to use the slogan. There's probably a lot of legal stuff to further explain this situation that is the gist of it. And it all comes down to money.

Geez. I bet the knock-offs down in Chinatown aren't even on the shelves yet.

1 comment:

  1. we are def waiting!!

    But B, never doubt the black market:)!
