Saturday, February 23, 2008

It Never Rains In Sedona, Arizona

The last few days of my life have been filled with not-so great ups and very confusing downs. But I know that without tests there would be no testimony. Through all of this I'm growing and learning.

Earlier today, while chatting with my mother on the phone (our Saturday morning ritual) I gave her an update on my current drama. She patiently listened, offered her wisdom and then listened some more. She always does. She is never too busy for me. Ever.

In December 2006, we took a vacay to Scottsdale, AZ and while we were there a daytrip to Sedona. We both marveled at the gigantic red rocks and stood in awe of how different the scenery was there from what we see on the daily back on the east coast. It was peaceful and theraputic -- squared. Well, I don't have the means or the time for an Arizona jaunt right now. But thank God for memories, pictures and telephones to call amazing mothers like mine!

1 comment:

  1. Just know that I'm always available and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love you much!
