Saturday, December 8, 2007

Let’s Take It Back To The Old-School

This is going to be quick - I have Saturday morning errands to run. But I’m slowly learning that every post doesn’t have to be the same (long) length. Before I go off errand running I need to share my fabulous find of the week. Well, it’s actually the fabulous find of a co-worker of mine. Feast your eyes on the handbag below:

Bananas, right? Old-school handbags officially made their comeback a few years ago but MCM kinda stayed in the shadows. (I did peep Salt of Salt ‘N Pepa rocking a gigantic signature logo one on her reality show.) The huge logo screams "look at me" but it works here because, duh?, it’s a freakin’ MCM bag. Now if it was Gucci, Fendi, Prada, etc. it would be so obnoxious but on this bag it’s slightly kitschy. Loves. It.

For the youngins who might be clueless reading this, MCM is a European luxury brand that was uber-popular in the States from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s. Rappers like Finesse & Synquis had outfits made out of MCM leather for their music videos. Since everything old is new again, the company appears to be attempting a comeback with a younger, hip set. The bag in the picture sells for $995 at Bloomingdale’s. (Yeah, that’s what I said.) Their other current offerings are way too gaudy for my taste. My co-worker clearly got the best of the bunch.

I hear that eBay sells authentic vintage MCM bags pretty regularly but I think I’m content sneaking a peek at my co-worker’s for now. Let’s hope she doesn’t freak out at my stares… Oh well, off to the grocery store I go!