Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Confessions of a Bulimic Shopper

Hello. My name is Bsquared and I am a bulimic shopper. The oh-so sick booties in the picture above are my latest victim. The moment I saw them while surfing online, I knew I had to have 'em. What’s not to fancy? The neutral pewter hue is anything but boring yet looks so much classier than typical metallic gold or silver. The heel is wearable, like all day I can even wear these out after work wearable. The silhouette is versatile. Thus, I imagined myself pairing these bad boys with dark tights and skirts or dresses, skinny pants - even trousers.

I originally saw them at but eventually scored them for thirty bucks lower at Mama ain’t raise no fool. Ha! But when I finally receive my BCBGirls ‘Tate’ booties and try them on, they’re too small. Phewy. I’m so annoyed. There’s no: Oh, they’re leather and will stretch after a couple of wears kinda comprising going on either. These jokers gotta be returned. I don’t need any more issues with my feet (that’s another post) - these boots aren’t worth it. I have no problem buying things and returning them when they don’t fit my needs or expectations. I’m truly a vet at it. My friends make jokes about my returning habits. But, I despise having to return things via mail. Which is why I didn’t want to even attempt exchanging them for a larger size. Too much hassle. The UPS pick-up, the re-packaging, etc. It’s just too much. Thankfully, I was able to return them at Macy’s (the brick and mortar store) - the old fashioned way. The transaction went smoothly considering I was at the zoo better known as Macy’s Herald Square. Such a tourist trap that place. Anyway, I was told that I wouldn’t be reimbursed for the shipping and handling costs since I purchased the boots online but were returning them to a store.

Huh? You must not know ‘bout me. That’s what the look I gave the sales associate who was helping me said. I quickly called my credit card company, while I was still at the register and had them refund the difference. Like I mentioned earlier, my mama ain’t raise no fool.

Truthfully, my bulimic shopping tendencies are decreasing. I’ve gotten so much better at shopping for me. I now understand that every "bargain" doesn’t require me to whip out my wallet. But the thrill that a new purchase brings, particularly a ‘find’ can be so exhilarating. However, after the guilt sets in: mortgage payments, savings obligations, ya know - grown up stuff; that high usually withers away. Sometimes, just trying something on at home sans the fluorescent lights can kill the high too. Did I really need another pair of boots anyway? Those booties, fly as they are, just weren’t meant to be. Period.

But dang I sure would be rocking them right now if they had fit.

Hey, I’m a work in progress…

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