Wednesday, May 30, 2007

These are a few of my favorite (stylish) people...

Trendy is short,
Fashion is long,
Style is forever.

I don’t know who to attribute the above quote to, but dang if it ain’t true. It’s exactly why I named my blog People.Places.Things. Style is bigger than gray being the new black or flats being all the rage in Milan. Style can certainly encompass those things but it’s also the type of stationery you choose to write on, the restaurants you dine in and why you’d rather stay in a bed & breakfast over a Holiday Inn.

So, while my first post had nothing to do with style on the surface, it had everything to do with my personal style. I at least try to write what’s in my heart, and last week it was in my heart to post on friendship.

Anywho, this week, I’ve decided to post on a few of my favorite (stylish) people, places and things. Just the stuff that’s on my style radar. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s my blog, right? I’m starting with ‘people’. I hope somebody feels this.

There are a handful of celebs who I always look forward to seeing out and about, in paparazzi pics and on the red carpet at fancy smancy functions. Although they almost always have a team of stylists, hair/make-up artists, etc. at their beckoning call, their personal sense of style never fails to shine through. This is why they don’t look like everyone else - how boring is that?

Tracee Ellis Ross - Ok, I admit Tracee has a major head start. Her mother is only the style icon Diana Ross which means she has access to some of the flyest one-of-a-kind stuff around. And Tracee is a former fashion editor for heaven’s sake. Still, she continuously mixes vintage and contemporary, high and low garb to perfection. One of the reasons I watch Girlfriends is to see what fierce get-ups Tracee’s character Joan is gonna be rockin’. Bump the costume designer for the show, we know Tracee is really dressing herself most of the time. Plus, she’s so underrated as a comedic actress. Anyone remember her on MTV’s Lyricist Lounge?

Kelis - So ahead of her time. This uptown (that’s Harlem for you non NYC folx) songtress single-handedly brought back the 1980’s asymmetrical cut. And when too many caught on, she switched it up one time and dyed it pink. Very few celebs have the confidence and skill to pull off the looks Kelis does. It’s no wonder Brit fashion guru Matthew Williamson (one of my fave designers by the way) counts her as his muse. He designed her breathtaking mint green wedding gown. I know some of y’all think Kelis goes too far with her gear but that hubby of hers, Nasir Jones seems to think otherwise. Oh yeah, Nas is definitely one of my fave stylish people too. (His style always comes through in his lyrics. Corny but true. The fact that he STAYS with a fresh cut doesn’t hurt.) Sidebar: Mrs. Jones album ‘Kelis Was Here’ has got to be one of 2006’s most slept on R&B releases.

I also always check for Gwen Stefani and Jessica Simpson. And a moment of silence for Lauryn Hill. When she (finally) gets her head together she’s coming for all these broads because Lauryn’s style is totally and utterly A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

The ‘celebs’ above were probably expected. They get recognized regularly for their stylish contributions to society. Not as much as those overrated chicks Sienna Miller and Kate Moss but I digress. I am honestly more impressed by the ‘real people’ in my ‘real life’ who stay fly, I-I-I-I-I-I- you get the point… Like those dignified women in church (y’all know who I’m talking ‘bout) who wear the sickest hats every Sunday. I mean EVERY Sunday. Now that’s tradition and style. Loves it. There’s also my co-worker J.B. who at 60 is sexy, sassy and knows it. She always dresses like a grown-a** woman and not someone trying to relive her youth. But she never, ever looks dowdy. Oh and the tight salt and pepper Cesear she rocks makes them young boys do a double take. HA! Last but certainly not least are the distinguished gentlemen who have really earned to right to be called gentlemen. Not only is he polite, his shoes are always shined, his shirts always starched and his hat is cocked to the side just so. (And he knows to remove it when he enters a room.) His jewelry is minimal, no need to flaunt wealth, or lack of. He can teach a class on swagger cuz he exudes it constantly and it’s effortless, but actually swagger always is. Olu Dara, Nas’ daddy has it all day long. {Insert cliché about apple not falling far from tree here.}

My fave stylish places and things are on the way…
(My next post will have pics, I promise. But I needed to get this up already and most of you know I can be technically challenged.)


  1. didn't know Tracey was a fashion editor . . .and yes to JB and her amazing style and sex appeal! Im surprised you didnt include your girl gabrielle:)

  2. Tracee is fierce. I agree with you. I watch everything she's in because I adore her and her style.
